
Publication & Type Animation



TCU Kick A** Juried Exhibition | Featured Entry

This project is broken into two parts, a type-animated video and an educational coffee table publication. Both work together to highlight the wonders of the universe.

The publication is a basic guide to the universe, taking a few specific topics about space and explaining them in a simple way. Through type, color, and secondary design elements, the feeling of outer space and science are portrayed. Shades of purples, blues, and pops of bright colors are inspired by the magnificent photos in the book. Large spreads of beautiful images and stylized text breaks up the educational content. Wavy and stylized text paired with warped grids depict the vast nature of space.

The video takes a small section of a speech from Stephen Hawking discussing his fascination of the universe. The audio was edited using Audacity to remove background sound from the original speech and After Effects was used for animation.