
Brand Identity

760 MOD


Graphis New Talent Annual 2021 | Silver
International Visual Identity Award | Silver

760 MOD is a retail space to pamper pets and their owners, focusing on self-care for both. It is located in Palm Springs and targets young and chic pet owners ready to spoil their furry best friends.

 The branding is heavily inspired by Palm Springs culture and design, the largest influence being Mid-century modern architecture. The colors and textures are also inspired by the desert landscape surrounding the area. The name 760 MOD comes from Palm Springs, 760 being the area code, and MOD being influenced by modern ideas and style. The brand identity was built out in merchandise, social media design, digital assets, and select pages of a branding guide.

This project was completed as part of the CallisonRTKL Graphic and Interior Design Collaborative Competition. A handful of TCU graphic design students were selected to pair with interior design students to collaborate and create a retail brand identity and interior space. I worked with Sydney Welling and Olivia Biggs as the brand identity and visual design lead.


Interior Renderings by Olivia Biggs